Find Out Why Cats Can Roar Or Purr, But They Can’t Do Both
Kitty cats purr and the biggest of the big cats roar. It’s a fact cat lovers know, but have you ever stopped to wonder why these feline facts exist as truth? As it turns out, our tiny tigers and mini...
View ArticleThe What, Why, and Wonder of Cat Whiskers
Cat whiskers may look like whimsical wisps of adorability, but they give felines a deep connection to the world around them. But what do whiskers tell a cat? Whiskers serve to inform animals everything...
View ArticleThe Primordial Pouch: A Fancy Term For Cats’ Saggy Bellies
If you’re a cat parent, then you’ve seen a primordial pouch; you just may not realize it. What is a primordial pouch on a cat, you ask? The easiest way to define the primordial pouch is telling you...
View Article6 Ways To Prep Your Cat For Warmer Weather
With spring here and summer just around the corner, it’s going to start warming up outside quickly. Whether your cat goes outside regularly or stays in the house most of the day, there are special...
View Article7 Ways To Get Your Cat To Drink More Water
Hydration plays a key role in how your kitty’s vital organs function. Cats who don’t drink enough water are at risk for serious health issues including urinary tract infections and kidney disease. Read...
View Article8 Of The Friendliest Cat Breeds
It’s hard to decide which cat breeds are the friendliest, since most cats are friendly, regardless of breed. But there are some that are more apt to welcome strangers than others, so we’ve focused on...
View Article17 Must-Know Flea Facts To Prepare You For Summer
In many parts of the country, winters can stay mild or even warm. While it’s fun to not have to wear twenty layers of clothes to survive, it means a longer and more abundant season for heat-loving...
View Article5 Ways You’re Accidentally Enabling Your Cat’s Bad Behavior
Cats usually only do things that are in their own best interest. While this self-serving attitude often earns them a reputation for being “untrainable,” understanding how cats work is precisely how...
View Article8 “Super-Hero” Cat Breeds!
Move over Spiderman, step back Captain America! These kitties have natural superhero qualities, no gamma radiation required. Whether they use these powers for good or evil, well that’s up to the cat....
View Article19 Cat Myths To Stop Believing
Felines are creatures of mystery and while there is still much left to puzzle out about them, there are some cat myths time and science have debunked. Over time, cat parents have learned a lot from...
View ArticleDecoding Feline Predators: Discover & Understand Your Cat’s Prey Preference
Did you know lions have a prey preference for buffalo, wildebeest, and zebra? Did you also know your cat has a prey preference too? Maybe your wild hunter isn’t stalking the African plains, but they...
View Article12 Cat Breeds For The Active Cat Parent
Although cats aren’t likely to go on runs and long hikes with their owners the way dogs do, there are certainly plenty of cats that can be appreciated by cat-loving athletes. Within the cat world,...
View ArticlePeeing Outside the Litter Box: Why Cats Urinate Where They Shouldn’t
The litter pan is a stinky issue no matter what. While cat parents dump fresh litter and scoop on the regular, sometimes even the freshest of setups can’t stop your cat from peeing outside the litter...
View Article3 Fun Facts You Didn’t Know About Your Cat’s Vision
Cats are incredible animals with many unique features, but perhaps a favorite of many cat parents are their kitties’ eyes. Cats have big, beautiful eyes that are as functional as they are breathtaking....
View ArticleEmergency Preparedness For Your Cat: Be Ready Before Disaster Strikes
Disaster strikes when we least expect and, while we don’t like to consider the fallout of an emergency, we must be prepared for the unknown. And this includes emergency preparedness for your cat....
View Article10 People Foods We Can Share With Our Cats
We often see cats getting canned tuna and fresh milk in movies and on TV – yet in real life these can have ill effects on our feline friends. In fact, we’re always being warned about how dangerous...
View ArticleCelebrate The Felines: The Ultimate List Of Annual Cat Days and Holidays
Oh, cats! Those bewitching, purr-tastic bundles of joy that weave seamlessly between our ankles and our hearts. Let’s be real: is there anything more majestic than a cat stretching out in a sunbeam, or...
View Article25 Cat Litter Box Questions: Find Answers To Your Queries About The Potty Pan
Welcome, fellow feline fanciers, to the mystical and complicated world of cat litter boxes! If you’ve ever found yourself pondering the mysteries of litter box etiquette or seeking answers to burning...
View Article7 Cleaning Tips For Cat Parents
Cat parenting means a lot of great things, but unfortunately it also means that our homes are likely a little less clean than we’d like to admit. With cats comes fur, dander, dirt and who knows what...
View Article9 Ways Cats Tell You They’re Unhappy
Cats, with their enigmatic fur-clad expressions, can often be puzzles when it comes to discerning their emotions. While the contented purr in your arms clearly indicates joy, and a hiss is a surefire...
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